
This is going to be a place where I list all the books I read each month,  a brief review of my opinion on each book, and a rating.

January 2013:
  1. The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling - I was very excited when I heard J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, would be writing another book.  I immediately put myself on the waitlist for this book when it was available at my library, I think I was like number 498!  Before I started this book, I had already heard that I should not expect her writing to be geared towards the younger crowd, but that this was a much more adult book.  It definitely was and though I understand she was writing for adults, I still had a hard time getting into this book.  There were parts that were more interesting than others, but a lot of it was politic talk and I am not into politics at all.  I hate abandoning books so I continued to read it plus at this point I was already half through.  It definitely helped me to continue reading this book knowing that there were those few parts I enjoyed.  It's interesting that the parts I found the most interesting were not the adult scenes but the teenager scenes.  I guess it is because they were much more interesting than the adults with their politics talk.  If you like politics, I recommend this book; otherwise, it is not worth the 503 page read.  I give this book 1 out of 5 stars.
February 2013:
  1. Queen of Babble in the Big City by Meg Cabot - This is actually the second book in the three book series.  The first one I read at the end of 2012 and I really enjoyed it.  This one continues the story of the main character, Lizzie.  What I really like about this book is you are literally in the mind of Lizzie.  Whatever she is thinking you are reading.  Just like in the real world, our minds are constantly thinking.  In this book, you may be reading Lizzie's mind as she thinks about her job then all of a sudden she sees something and starts thinking about that before going back to thinking about her job.  I know this sounds confusing, it is hard to explain, but basically it is like if you were reading the main characters mind.  I absolutely love this writing style Meg Cabot uses.  This is a quick read and it is definitely a page turner to find out what happens as Lizzie goes through everyday life.  I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.
  2. Queen of Babble Gets Hitched by Meg Cabot - This is the final book in the three book series.  I decided to read this one immediately after the second book because the second left off on a big cliff hanger and I wanted to know what happened.  I definitively recommend reading the other two books before this one!  Since there is nothing really new since it is only a continuation in the story, I'm going to leave this review short.  I enjoyed the ending, and it was not as predictable as it may appear.  It was a nice, light and easy read that was enjoyable to read when I needed to relax.  Like the second book in the series, I also give this book 4 out of 5 stars.

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