Sunday, February 3, 2013

February Goals

Why does the weekend go by so fast!?

I am so glad it is Sunday though.  This morning my alarm went off and I opened my eyes and saw that it was bright outside and I flew out of bed.  I thought it was Monday morning and my back up alarm was going off. Then I realized, wait if my back up alarm is going off it would still be dark outside so I realized it was Sunday.  It's always nice to think it's Monday and realize there still a whole entire day left of the weekend.  It sucks when it is the opposite and you wake up on a Tuesday and think it's Friday!  Oh man that happened to me once and it was the longest week ever!


This morning I woke up and my stomach was feeling kind of off.  I decided to lay in bed and read a little until I was hungry.  I was going to have just a piece of fruit, but figured a more filling breakfast would be the healthier choice so I made some oatmeal.  I sure am glad I did because I think I have a new favorite oatmeal bowl.

I had oats already soaking in almond milk in the fridge so this morning I added 1/4 cup Wholesoy Unsweetened Plain Yogurt, 1 small mashed banana, and 1/2 scoop Sunwarrior Vanilla Protein Powder.  Then I topped it with some banana slices and cinnamon.

This seriously tasted like Banana Cheesecake!


Let's talk about this months goals.  Some of them are going to be the same as last month since I want to improve on them.

1. Don't Stress Over Time. I realized this past month that I am always stressing over time.  I am always rushing from one activity to the next.  I want to drive home from the store as quickly as possible.  I want to shop for as little time as possible to get back home.  I want to leave Jazzercise as soon as possible after class so I can get other things done in my day.  I can't do this chore now because I only have an hour left to get ready for work.  It's already noon!?  Where is the day going!?  I only have 2 more hours until I should get to bed.  These are thoughts that are constantly running through my head.  I need to stop looking at the time and stressing that there are so many more waking hours left before bed.  I need to stop looking at the time and worrying about when I should eat next.  I need to stop RUSHING through everything I do in my life.  This past month I have realized that time is giving me a lot of stress!  So this month I want to stop looking at the clock so much, stop worrying about what time it is, stop counting down the hours, and just take a moment to breathe!

2.  Eat More Mindfully.  I love food and hate to force it down my throat as fast as possible.  I'm usually pretty good at this, but I would like to put down the fork/spoon between bites and really savor the flavors of my meal.  This also kind of goes with the goal above to worry less about time, since sometimes I eat quickly since I want to go do other things.  I need to remember that it is okay to sit and relax for even 20 minutes to enjoy my meal.

3.  Drink Smoothies.  This is a goal I'm carrying on from last month.  I would like to drink at least 15 smoothies again this month.  It is a good way for me to add extra nutrition and calories in my day.

4.  Be More Social.  This is also a goal I'm carrying over from last month.  This cold weather has definitely been keeping me inside.  After being at work all day and then exercising after, by the time I get home and finally get warm from being outside, I want nothing more than to sit curled up under blankets and catch up on some T.V. shows.  This is okay some nights, but I really need to make an effort to get out more and catch up with friends, especially on the weekends.

I am only going to focus on these four goals this month.  It is a short month and my first goal about time is something I really want to focus on and improve.  Hopefully I can do it!


On Today's agenda:
  • Go to the library to return an old book and get a new book.
  • Go to Target.  I'm thinking about getting a curling iron to add some curl to my long, straight hair.  It needs a new style instead of the plain, straight look every. single. day.
  • Go to the grocery store.  The last two weeks I have eaten out a few times and made so many soups/stews/chilis.  All these foods have been so heavy for me that I have been craving light, fresh foods like salads, fresh veggies and fresh fruits so I'm going to go stock up!
  • Relax the rest of the day and enjoy the rest of the weekend.  And possibly watch parts of the Superbowl, I'm not the biggest football fan though and I hate the Ravens so it depends how ridiculous the game gets.

Happy Sunday!

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