Friday, January 25, 2013

Great Sage Thursday

Yesterday was an awesome day!  First, I love Thursdays because at the end of the work day it is only one more day and then the start of the weekend.

Second, yesterday it snowed overnight so there was a 2 hour delay in the morning!  I still woke up at 6am like I usually do for work.  I don't know if my body is just so used to getting up at that time that I couldn't get back to sleep or because just like when I was a little kid I was so excited that there was a delay that it was impossible to get back to sleep haha.

Third, tomorrow is my mom's birthday so we celebrated last night by going to our favorite restaurant, Great Sage.  It is an all vegan restaurant and very friendly in dishes that can be made gluten free, soy free, and nut free as well.  We went yesterday because on Thursdays it is half-price bottles of wine with live music!  Can't beat that deal!

Before I get to what I enjoyed at Great Sage, I had an amazing breakfast in the morning!  I love when my breakfasts taste really good, it's my favorite meal, and  in the morning it seriously sets my mood for the morning.  I get totally bummed when my breakfast isn't as good as I was expecting.  Well yesterday was one of those fantastic breakfast kind of mornings.  This past Monday, I wanted to make waffles.  Normally I use peanut flour to make peanut butter protein waffles.  Well, I was craving a pumpkin waffle so I tried a gluten free vegan pumpkin pancake recipe I saw online.  Unfortunately, the waffle didn't cook so well in the middle in my waffle maker.  I hate wasting food and it was obviously still edible and tasted good but I didn't want a half cooked waffle for breakfast any longer on Monday (like I said my breakfast sets my mood for the morning) so I just put it in a container and knew I would enjoy it more when I needed a quick breakfast during the work week.  Well yesterday, I took that waffle and crumbled it in a fruit and yogurt bowl and oh man it was so good.

This included: a crumbled pumpkin protein waffle, amande yogurt (hidden under all that waffle and fruit), slightly microwaved frozen mixed berries, a sliced banana, and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

After that tasty breakfast, I had 2 hours more than I usually do in the morning, and I got so much done!  I did a quick ab workout, caught up on some fun reading (currently reading Queen of Babble In The Big City by Meg Cabot), caught up on some blog reading, and got some grad school preparation stuff done.

When I got home from work I had to class manage at Jazzercise.  Instead of jazzercising I enjoyed a green smoothie to hold me over until dinner.  I didn't take a pic but it was a simple smoothie of a banana with spinach and spirulina mixed with almond milk.

Finally, it was time for dinner at Great Sage!!!  I ordered the Apple Cider Barbeque Tempeh which was served with a "bacon" carmelized onion sweet potato stew and cabbage with a roasted pesto tomato with a cashew crust on top.  I didn't get a picture at the restaurant but thankfully in an attempt to save plenty of room for dessert I took half home.  So here's a picture of my leftovers, which I enjoyed for dinner tonight.

I enjoyed this meal, I would get it again, but since they change their menu seasonally and there are like 3 other dishes I want to try there this winter, I probably won't order it again unless they have it on their menu again next winter.

After dinner was my favorite part, dessert!!!  I love that at this restaurant I can order almost every single dessert on the menu without worrying about eggs, milk, and gluten.  I say almost every dessert because there are like one or two that are not gluten free.  Last night I tried the new winter menu dessert, Flourless Midnight Cake.  I'm always afraid of gluten free cakes being to dry and crumbly but this was so dense and was really rich chocolate (perfect for a chocolate lover like me!)  Once again, I could only stomach half this dessert (it was so rich) that I enjoyed the other half for dessert tonight.  Here's a pic of what was leftover.

It is described on the menu as "Dense, rich chocolate cake layered with raspberry mousse topped with chocolate ganache."  

It was so dense it was more like a chocolate brownie rather than a cake, but that was perfectly fine with me as I prefer brownies to cake.  The raspberry mousse paired so well with the chocolate cake and the chocolate ganache.  I love fruit and chocolate and raspberry is a match made in heaven for chocolate, they just to so well together!

Overall, Thursday was a terrific day!  

Today was also a great day as it is Friday and it means the weekend has officially started.  My weekend even started early because there was a 1.5 hour early dismissal due to the prediction of snow.  Unfortunately, that also meant Jazzercise closed so I didn't get a workout in or personal training.  Oh well, I'll be working out tomorrow morning and training after that so I guess it all works out.

Happy Friday!

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