Saturday, January 19, 2013

Posting More

After being a blog reader, I really wanted to blog myself, but not add stress to my life as one more thing to do.  That is why I haven't posted in a while.  I'm hoping to eventually get into a regular schedule for posting but for now random postings is what works best for me and my schedule.

These last few weeks have been very busy with getting back into work after winter break, cooking lots of soups and chilis in this cold weather, trying to find some time to hang out with friends, trying to prevent myself from getting sick, and working out.

So what exactly has been going on these last few weeks?  Well, at work there have been so many kids absent.  Some have even been out for multiple days...flu?  In the last two weeks, the one classroom I work in the most has had I think as of yesterday it has been 12 out of 29 students absent.  Yikes!  Before snack in the classroom we have been making sure the kids have been washing their hands.  I have been washing my hands even more than normal.  I feel like that's all I do anymore.  Especially since my brother has brought the flu into the house, so now I am in direct exposure to it.  Last night before I went to bed I started to feel a tickle in my throat and I woke up and it's still there.  I have been sucking on Ricola Lemon Mint Herb Drops.

I love how natural these are and so far they have been very soothing on my throat.  I have been eating lots of Clementines (Vitamin C) and even bought myself this Naked Green Machine juice.

Normally I don't spend money on these types of drinks, they are quite expensive, but I really did not feel like buying a whole bunch of vegetables to juice at home.  Setting up and cleaning up the juicer would be much more work and since I was already dragging this morning, this was much more convenient.  I'm trying to relax today and prevent getting sick before it is too late.

I have also been making lots of soups and chilis to help sooth the body and also because it has been freezing here, especially during the week when it was raining/drizzling and there was no sun for like 5 days straight.  Talk about some depressing weather.  I made these meals last weekend, and have been enjoying them throughout the week for easy lunches at work and/or dinners at night.

Tofu Jambalaya:

4 Bean Chili (I'll have to upload the picture later.  Sorry!)

Potato Leek Soup

For some good news, I have been very successful in working out.  I have been decreasing my cardio and increasing my strength training.  I have also been eating more to properly fuel my body and muscles especially after working out.  Wednesday was a killer personal training session and yesterday with my small group personal training, the instructor killed my abs.  I am feeling quite strong in the core section today, though very sore.  I even made some weight gain progress which has led me to be at the highest weight since I've started training so this was very exciting.  It means my hard work is paying off.

Well it is time to go relax some more.  I'm thinking of catching up on some shows like Pretty Little Liars:

And The Bachelor:

I'm also going to try reading some more of The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling:

This hasn't been my favorite book, in fact I don't even recommend it unless you like politics.  It has been a struggle to read.  Some parts of the book keep more of my attention than others, like the non-politics part, but I only have like 150 pages left and I hate abandoning books so I'm really trying to finish it.  It is a library book on a wait list so no matter what I have to have it finished by the 22nd.

Then I think I might make another soup tonight.  I'm thinking about giving this Tomato Soup a try from Kelly at Foodie Fiasco.

Happy Saturday!

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