Saturday, December 15, 2012

Busy Week

I did not mean to not blog for a week!  This week has been incredibly busy.  It was my first full week at my new job and I did not want to stress myself out as I got acclimated with the new job and finals.  I'm going to make this post a short update on everything.

First, my new job! I really enjoyed my first week.  The staff was very welcoming, the students are well-behaved and great listeners, and it's a really good school in general.  When I first arrive, I help get things ready for the day.  Then, right before the bell rings I go out for bus duty and make sure students are getting safely off the bus and walking into the building.  Then, I go help out with interventions in kindergarten for 15 minutes.  Next, I go to 3rd grade to help support teaching content for an hour.  I then spend 30 minutes helping individual students in kindergarten and another 30 minutes after that helping students in 2nd grade, mostly ESOL students.  After that it's back to 3rd grade to help with reading groups for an hour and a half.  I then get an hour for lunch.  After lunch, it's back to 3rd grade for another 20 minutes of language arts where I do interventions with a small group of students.  Finally, we have an hour and 15 minutes of math where I continue to support the 3rd grade teachers.  And then to wrap up my day I go back outside for bus duty to make sure students are walking to their buses to get safely home.

It is quite a busy day, especially during the morning when I'm traveling to different grade levels, but I really enjoy it.  I like being kept busy because if I was just sitting there bored time would go so slowly.


Well onto some good news, Thursday was my final for one class.  All we had to do was bring a paper to class that we typed at home reflecting on everything we learned this semester, so the final itself wasn't too bad.  The worst part was we literally had to be in class because it was the final.  Basically, I had to drive 30 minutes to campus to hand in my paper and then drive 30 minutes back.  BUT traffic was horrendous and it took me an hour to get there and 45 minutes to get back.  What a waste of time and gas!  Oh well, at least that class is done!

One more class on Monday and I'm officially done for the semester.  Unfortunately with work all this week I had no motivation to work on my final for this class.  So I spent all of today working on the assignment.  I'm almost done, but I'm going to put those finishing touches and edit it all tomorrow.  I hate waiting so last minute but I can't focus anymore, like I said I literally have been working all day and it's a Saturday.

Well I'm off to go relax for the evening.  My only chance since unfortunately tomorrow is going to be just as busy with school work and errands.

Happy Saturday!

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