Wednesday, December 5, 2012


We're half way through the work week and another day closer to Christmas!  I can't believe it's only 20 days away.  I love Christmas but I hope it doesn't get here too fast, I do want some time to enjoy the season with all the decorating, Christmas movies and songs, food, and family time.


This morning started out kind of crazy.  Today was the first time in a LONG time that I slept through my alarm.  I woke up enough to turn it off then managed to drift off to sleep thinking I closed my eyes only for about 2 minutes.  Thankfully, I only slept 45 minutes late and I haven't started my new job yet so didn't have to rush to get ready.

When I went to start a pot of coffee, I totally forgot to add water!  Thankfully I noticed after only about a minute so no damage was done.  While that was brewing (with water this time) I made breakfast, Almond Butter and Jelly Waffles! I made a big batch of plain waffles on Sunday so I just reheated one up and topped it with almond butter, jelly, and flaxseeds.  Oh, it was delicious and the best part of my morning.  I was starving so I didn't take a picture, but here's a picture of my breakfast from Tuesday morning.

Waffle topped with PB2 mixed with yogurt, banana slices, and cinnamon!


After breakfast I spent the morning reading and working on some school assignments before subbing for the afternoon in 3rd grade.  It was an easy afternoon.  After math there was an assembly for the orchestra winter concert.  Shortly after work, I had Personal Training (my most favorite thing about Wednesdays)!  I will definitely be feeling my triceps and obliques tomorrow.  After training I had my protein shake while I made this tasty dinner.

Acorn squash stuffed with quinoa mixed with salsa, black beans, and baby spinach.

I think I'm going to go relax the rest of the night and watch some Christmas movies I have recorded!

Happy Wednesday!

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