Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Eve Recap

This year for Christmas Eve it was very laid back.  Two years ago we spent Christmas with my Uncle (from my Dad's side of the family) and my older Cousin (from my Mom's side of the family) who both live in Austin, Texas.  That was a great year because we spent about 5 days in much warmer weather; definitely my preference, though I do love snow.

Last year I spent Christmas with my immediate family, but a few days after we went up to visit family in Pennsylvania for my grandfather's birthday.

This year we were hoping my grandparent's could come visit us.  We would have loved to cook for them because we just got our kitchen remodeled, but they were unable to make the trip down.  Even though we missed them, we still had a wonderful Christmas with tons of delicious vegan food (except for my Dad and brother made baked cod).  Sometimes it is nice to spend extra time with immediate family, and it is much more laid back.  We didn't have to worry about making enough food for an excessive amount of people or making sure dinner was on time for when people would have arrived or expected to eat.

The day started off with my mom and I attending Jazzercise in the morning while my dad and brother went to see a movie.  It was the only class of the day and absolutely packed, but so much fun.  After that we came home and relaxed for a little and I finished wrapping all my gifts.  After that my mom and I started cooking dinner.

Even though we only had 4 people to cook dinner for, we sure made a lot.  I provided links of where I got the recipes below.  I love to cook, but if I'm not following the basics in a recipe, it could end in a disaster :-p

On the menu:

For this recipe I actually doubled the ingredients for the marinade.  I also used orange juice in the marinade instead of fresh orange and I didn't add the orange slices to serve it.  For the tofu, I froze it the night before to give it a better texture and I also baked the tofu for 30 minutes at 375F instead of sauteing it.

Baked Cod was also served for my dad and brother who eat fish.  My mom and I are vegan so we did not eat or make this meal.

Once again, I pretty much followed the exact recipe.  I used chickpeas for the protein source, a red bell pepper, and the optional red wine and the optional almonds.  I omitted the cayenne seasoning and the optional tahini or cashew butter.  Next time I think I will add the cayenne though for more flavor.

Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes with Sage Gravy  was also served but I forgot to take a picture :-0
Since the recipe for the mashed potatoes actually have nutritional yeast mixed in and the sage gravy also has nutritional yeast, these mashed potatoes actually didn't need the Sage Gravy.  But it was still very tasty!

This is a dish I also made over Thanksgiving, which was a major hit so I made it again!  I followed the exact directions and once again everybody loved it!

Mushroom Bread Stuffing I forgot to take a picture of this since I don't eat it due to my gluten intolerance.  This is a traditional side dish my parents make every year though.

Apple Crisp This is the first time I ever made an apple crisp.  I love baked apples but usually I just chop an apple into bite-sized pieces, sprinkle on cinnamon, and bake it for 40 minutes at 350F.  This was my first real apple crisp with a oat crumble topping I made for the whole family to enjoy.  I was so excited to eat this dish I forgot to take a picture.  I'll get one next time though, because I will definitely be making this dessert again!  I followed the directions exactly and everybody loved it!

My first plate:
Hey there's the cauliflower mashed potatoes with sage gravy!

Everything tasted fantastic I definitely went back for second servings of everything!

After dinner, we enjoyed our Apple Crisp dessert with a movie, Scrooged.  It was interesting, but not one of my favorites.

I'll be back tomorrow with a recap on how my Christmas day went and what we had for dinner that night!

Have a great Wednesday!

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