Sunday, December 9, 2012

New Job

Weekends always fly by so fast, especially when I work a full time Monday to Friday job.  This was my last weekend before I start a new job!  I've mentioned this a few times in previous posts so thought I would discuss it a little today.

I was going to go into the background of my teaching career so far, but I decided not to because its a lot of words and may not be that interesting.  So I'll just get right into the good news!

I was called by the principal of a school I subbed at a few times over the years for a full time position.  The principal explained to me how at this school in the 3rd grade classrooms there are 3 teachers with 29 students in each class!  Those are huge classes!!  The principal told me how they were not given another spot to get another teacher, but they would be given someone to be a support teacher.  Basically, someone who gets paid (a little less than a full time teacher, but more than a sub, even a long term sub) and gets health benefits and sick days, who could work with small groups from each class to break the classes down into fewer students.  I don't get my own classroom, but I get my own office to keep all my stuff and work with students one-on-one.  The best part is this last for the rest of the year.  (And of course I'm hoping that I get well-known and do a great job to possibly get a full time real teaching position for the following year.)

Anyways, this job actually is perfect for me!  I won't be required to write my own lesson plans, just teach using strategies that work for me.  And since I am still going to grad school to earn my Masters and taking 2 classes next semester, I won't be as stressed out or crazy busy if I was the full time teacher.

I'm a little nervous since I'm not 100% sure what I will be doing.  But tomorrow is my first day and I'm sure it will be less working with small groups of students and more learning the schedule, the students, the school, and the curriculum.  I'm just thrilled that I will have a steady income and a steady schedule.  I'll definitely keep updating about everything!


Today has been a yucky gray and cloudy Sunday.  I was out of it again this morning and was trying to make TVP oatmeal.  I by accident tripled the recipe!!!  I meant to add only 1/3 cup TVP but I added a whole entire cup!  I didn't even realize my mistake until 10 minutes later when I was wondering why it had wayyyyy too little liquid.  I had to go back and triple all the other ingredients.  It worked out though because I now have breakfast ready for the next two days.

I was planning on going shopping for some work clothes and Christmas gifts, but I really do not feel like leaving the house today.  Maybe I'll just go tomorrow while I'm out even though it will be an extremely busy day with work and class.  I did get to make some yummy Chocolate Zucchini Muffins though!

I got the recipe from Happy Herbivore.  
I made mine gluten free by swapping out the whole wheat flour 
and using half oat flour and half sweet sorghum flour.

I also was very productive with some school work (still have a little more to do) and I have prepared all breakfasts (it was easy with my mistake this morning, I only had to make 3 more things) and lunches for the week.  I have to leave for work very early and do not want to wake up extra early just to prepare fresh food.  This way I've already got it ready to go and portioned out so I can just put it in my lunch box and head out the door.

Now it is time to try to get a little more school work done then go make dinner so I can relax for the rest of the night, probably with another Christmas movie!

Happy Sunday!

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